Sunday, March 29, 2020

Introduction to General Chemistry

Introduction to General ChemistryGeneral Chemistry is a branch of chemistry that concentrates on the subject of solvents and gases. Most people use the term general chemistry to refer to all chemistry, and if this is your choice, then you will understand what this branch covers. It also includes the subject of electrochemistry, which is all about atoms, molecules, ions, and atoms in action. You can also think of it as the combination of mechanics and chemistry.The roots of the term 'general' are not clear, but it seems to refer to any science, including biology, physics, or medicine. This is also a broad term, meaning it covers the working of science in general.For students who are trying to find out how to do the introduction to general chemistry at the elementary level, there are a number of different ways to do so. These include classroom teachers, instruction sheets, and even online materials.In addition to classroom instruction, online materials are often used. Some of these are free, while others may cost money.If you are going to use online materials, you will want to get good guidance from someone who has experience with them, such as an instructor, a chemistry textbook, or a friend who is in the same program. You also need to determine what format you want the text book to be in, since some people like to print their textbooks out and keep them at home.Once you have found a text book that you want to use, the next step is to find out more about the basics of introductory courses. This can be done with the help of an online guide, and this is something that you can easily find through the Internet. You can also go to a local college or university and find out more.Some people will find that using the Internet is easier, since you will have access to the text book right away. Others will find that the offline process works best for them.Once you have read the book and learned all you can, you will need to find out what you will be doing with it. This is where you should always contact your college, your local college or university, or a chemical career counselor to help you get started in your career.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Types of Classes You Should and Shouldnt Take Online

Types of Classes You Should and Shouldnt Take Online Image via Opt for Online If: The Class Fits Your Interests One of the major struggles that can come with taking an online course is trying to stay motivated to pay attention to lectures and to complete all of your coursework on time when you don’t have a professor holding you accountable and don’t have to sit in a classroom during class time. As a result, your chances for success will be increased if you take an online course in a subject that truly interests you, as that way you’ll be more likely to have the necessary self-motivation to focus and study hard. If you find the course material boring to begin with, there’s a good chance that you’ll lose interest throughout the duration of the course, and you may struggle to stay on track. For this reason, it’s a good idea to reserve some classes that you’re excited about to take online. You Have a Lot of Independent Work Though you can still connect with your classmates online when taking an online course, it can be more difficult to coordinate group work and projects when you’re not all in the same place at the same time. Being able to work independently will in some ways be an advantage, as you won’t have to worry about whether or not your classmates are getting their share of the work done without you. In addition, if you choose to take an online course so you don’t have to commute to campus, you probably won’t want to be driving all the way to campus just for a group project, so to ensure that you maintain the convenience that you’re looking for, try to find a class that allows you to work on your own most of the time. You Know the Subject Well Having to go sit in a classroom every day when you’re able to pick up on the course material faster than your classmates can be frustrating, so if you feel like you want to set your own pace in a course, it can be helpful to take it online. Often with online courses you’ll be able to speed through topics you understand well and slow down for others as necessary, so if you feel like you’d be bored sitting through a classroom and learning material at your professor’s pace, taking that course online can be a great alternative. Avoid an Online Course If: You Struggle with the Subject While it’s not necessarily true that you’ll receive less assistance from your professor in an online course than you typically would, it will likely still be harder for you to do well in a course taken online if you already know that you have trouble with the subject or specific topic. Though you’ll still be able to email your professor with questions, you may not have the opportunity to ask your questions as they ariseâ€"that is, while your professor explains it in a video or when you’re going over course materials on your own. The Subject Matter Can Be Dry One of the benefits of online classesâ€"their flexibilityâ€"can also be a major downside if you decide to take a class covering a topic that is dry or unexciting by nature. Taking an online course means that you can set your own schedule, and you may find that it’s difficult to motivate yourself to complete the necessary coursework if you don’t have a set class time. In addition, you may not have the help of your professor or classmates to keep things interesting and to help make a dry subject matter become more exciting. If you take the class while you’re at home alone, it can seem even more difficult to get through. You Want to Study for It with Classmates While you can still meet up with your classmates for an online course, it may be more difficult to get to know them, and therefore hard to determine who would make a good study buddy. In addition, not all of your classmates for an online course may be nearby, so it may be inconvenient for them to meet up to study together. If you feel like you’d really benefit by having a study group for a certain class, it may be better to stick to a traditional classroom-style course, so it’s easier for you to form that group. Online courses can have major advantages, but you’ll have to choose them carefully to ensure that you benefit from the convenience and independence they bring. Before you register for classes, make sure that you take into account these factors!

The Types of Tasks You May Do Working in Retail

The Types of Tasks You May Do Working in Retail via Pixabay You probably already know what a retail associate does in his or her line of work. These types of people are almost everywhere you go shopping. At Wal-Mart, at Target, at Best Buy, at the mall, retail associates are often eager to tell you about the store’s sales or new products, assist in finding items that are more difficult to find, answering questions of regular shoppers and the occasional curious visitors, and ringing up purchases at the register. Like cashiers at grocery stores or convenience stores, people who work in retail help to manage the cash registers and keep track of the money that goes in and goes out. Sometimes, we encounter retail associates throughout the day without even realizing that we’re talking to someone in retail. A good retail associate is extremely knowledgeable about the product or service that is being sold. They also have to have a good deal of patience when dealing with all customers, especially the difficult ones that are bound to come through on any given day. Additionally, a person working in retail must be genuinely friendly, have a cheerful attitude, is a naturally happy person, and have a willingness to go above and beyond for the customer without a lot of prodding to do so. Long hours, busy days, and nights and weekend work are often a normal course of operation in many places of retail. The busiest time for retail stores is often in the fall/winter months and of course on holidays and special occasions throughout the year. For example, 4th of July may be a busy day/weekend, Memorial Day may be the same way, and graduation/back to school season may be busy as well. In short, if you’re not the type of person who is cheerful, helpful, and energetic, retail is probably not the right job for you. If you are this type of person and can see a future in the world of retail, you may be asking what are some of the job positions you can hold? Good question. There are a couple job titles that you can hold and gradually grow into others as time goes on. Most new hires will begin as stockers, cashiers, baggers, or sales associates. These are very important jobs as those in such roles also serve as the face of the company in many regards. Companies have been given a bad rap by customers simply because a cashier was rude or unhelpful. On the other hand, some customers love going to certain places not just because of what they can get but because of the people who provide the service. Then there are middle positions which include team leaders, floor directors, or staff supervisors. Some retail stores even have a lead cashier or someone who unofficially acts as the go-to person, the problem solver, or the one who has earned the respect of his or her peers. In such a role, you will ensure law and order are kept. For example, you’ll make sure other employees sign in and sign out on time, take appropriate breaks, and work well with each other. Then there are managerial roles. A department manager, store manager, branch manager, assistant manager, or chain manager is often responsible for multiple teams and sometimes, multiple locations. People in this position are responsible for onboarding new staff, training current and new staff, establishing goals, making decisions, and ensuring consistent service is given across all stores or chains. A fair amount of skill is needed to work in retail. However, if you have the personality, most places will offer training for what is specific to that store. There are many people who rise through the ranks of retail without an education. This is not permission for you to drop school altogether; school is still important, but you can learn specific aspects of the  business. Those with a bachelor’s degree, or even an associate’s degree, have a better chance of getting managerial roles quicker. Abundant opportunities exist in the world of retail. We are always going to need that extra hand to guide or that person to smile at the door or at the register when we come through after a long day at work or school. Finding a position in retail is a great option for a first job in high school and college. It is also a good choice for those who are interested in selling specific products (e.g., selling electronics at Best Buy or selling clothes at Macy’s). Retail can also be internally rewarding. It presents the opportunity to help people with some aspect of their day. Kindness and helpfulness indeed go a long way in this business. And you’ll enjoy the environment you’re working in much better if you find some real meaning in it, and not just putting in the hours to get a paycheck.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Things to do this Summer to Prepare for Your First AP Course

5 Things to do this Summer to Prepare for Your First AP Course 5 Things to do this Summer to Prepare for Your First AP Course The first time a student takes an AP course, they will be introduced to a whole other level of academic commitment. Advanced placement courses are taught at the college level but can be taken by students as early as sophomore year in high school. AP courses can help students earn college credit and build their student resume so they can get into college in the first place. The more a student knows about their AP classes, the easier it will be to thrive during the academic year and do well on the exams. Students taking AP courses in the fall can just sit back, relax and enjoy their summer so that theyre well rested for the task at hand, right? Wrong! Almost every AP course includes summer work, so its important that students get this completed before the first day of school. 1. Managing summer work Nearly every AP course will include summer work. This work is due on the first day of class and will help students understand the type of assignments that will be completed throughout the year. If a student is taking their first AP course, they are encouraged to sit down and organize all of the work that needs to be done over the summer before too much time has passed. Many students leave summer work until the last minute and can become incredibly overwhelmed. This is especially true if students need to read a couple of novels, which can be time-consuming, before day one. Students who require help organizing can either work with a study group, tutor, or both (READ: What do your final grades mean for you). 2. Study group or tutor? Its recommended that students either work with a tutor or study group in July and August so they can complete all of their summer work promptly and without too much stress. Some students are highly organized and will have a group of friends who are all taking the same AP courses. In this case, its a good idea to set up a study group that meets once or twice a week to work on assignments. Alternately, some students will be the only one in their group of friends taking an AP course and may not have a study group to work with. In this case, a private tutor can be helpful with organization and explanations of tough assignments. Students who want to be extra successful can consider working with both a tutor and study group. 3. Keeping in touch with the teacher Its also really important that students keep in touch with their teacher over the summer. If students are taking this teachers class for the very first time, they wont know their grading style or expectations until the fall. Its a great idea for new AP students to introduce themselves in an email and find out when the teacher will be available for questions over the summer. AP teachers are a great resource and students should not be afraid to reach out and communicate (READ: Taking the AP Exam). 4. Managing the reading list One of the biggest challenges of AP summer work is managing the reading list. Courses such as AP Language and AP Literature assign several novels throughout the year. Additionally, every course will have at least one textbook with hundreds of pages of information. Its hard to absorb too much information at once thus students are encouraged to manage their reading list over time. If the novels are broken up into smaller parts, they can be a lot easier to comprehend. This will also be good time management practice for the school year. 5. Leave enough time to complete assignments New AP students are encouraged to leave ample time to complete their summer assignments. It can be overly stressful to be studying 8 hours a day during the week leading up to the start of school. Rather, its better to look at assignments early in the summer and figure out what can be done now and what can be left for later. In addition to keeping the AP experience little stress, time management allows students to get in touch with the teacher to ask clarification questions if necessary. Prepare for your first AP class this summer with the help of an Irvine AP tutor. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

The Role of Tutors For Tutoring Students

The Role of Tutors For Tutoring StudentsTutors for tutoring students are a rare breed indeed. Though there is no dearth of people who would love to teach others, there is also not much room for a student to ask for one. In other words, there is nothing for a student to entrust to another person's hands. But the truth is that students who could afford to employ tutors are more likely to have students who need their help.The very first thing that students should remember is that tutors for students are rare. It is difficult to find a tutor for tutoring students who would be willing to work for nothing. Students who think they have found the perfect tutor for tutoring their classmates will in fact be disappointed. If you do a background check on the tutor for tutoring students, make sure you ask them about the student they tutored before signing them up. Sometimes the tutor will be so excited that they may even enroll the student without even knowing that the student needs help.The seco nd thing that students should remember is that the fees they pay to a tutor are non-refundable. This means that if the tutor fails to provide adequate help or if the tutor fails to provide them with the quality of tutoring that they expect, the student is expected to pay the fees. Usually, a student pays half the amount he expects the tutor to pay in advance and then the rest of the fee is paid upon completion of the tutoring session.Even though the tutors for tutoring students might not always be enthusiastic about their job, they can still help a student in many ways. There are some students who lack the confidence in themselves that others possess and thus they could never properly communicate with their classmates. And in order to encourage good behavior in students, tutors for tutoring students can help with coaching, motivating, problem solving, personal attention, and even giving the students extra tips. They can also suggest professional help such as video conference, inform ation technology, as well as help with web cam and internetconnection.The classes taught by the tutors for tutoring students should be more rigorous than those taught by regular teachers. This is because students may face obstacles that the regular teachers do not have to deal with. Plus, their students will certainly benefit from extra dedication in the classes. This is why regular teachers should make use of the same methods to teach their students. It's the students who gain the most when teachers make their courses more rigorous.A student should feel that he has an important part to play in the tutoring process. This is because it is the student who will make the other students learn more. An example would be if the student teaches his classmates in how to write, then the student is responsible for spreading the word about the writing technique that he helped his classmates pick up. This way, the student is able to give value to the information given by the other students.These are just some of the ways that a student can make use of a tutor for tutoring. When students go through college, they may feel confused as to how to go about choosing a suitable tutor for tutoring their classmates. The fact is that they can choose from a number of tutors for tutoring students available online. They can do a background check to find out which ones suit their needs best.

Tutoring Services That Work Better Than Traditional Tutors

Tutoring Services That Work Better Than Traditional TutorsWhen searching for a new and effective way to improve one's math skills, an ideal substitute for a traditional tutor can be a Tutor Crossing. These online tutors can assist you with taking your level of math skills to a higher level, rather than merely correct your grades.Online tutoring is fast becoming a popular way to educate yourself and a more convenient one than attending a local school or college. With the ever increasing cost of tuition for many students, it is often difficult to have the time and money to attend a traditional education institution. Using an online system, such as a Tutor Crossing, can make the difference between earning a diploma and getting one that is less than desirable.A tutor from the Tutor Crossing network is usually independent and is capable of assisting students from around the world. It is an educational service that works to assist students with their homework, test, and placement. The tuto rs can help with basic algebra and advanced math issues and will go beyond your expectations.Taught by qualified and experienced tutors, Tutor Crossing tutors have vast experience in helping students with math. They are most familiar with all levels of math and will thoroughly review all of your materials before returning them. Some tutors may also offer specialized services that will fit your needs and will help you achieve your academic goals in a very effective manner.Educational experts and independent tutors both work independently. No matter which of these services you choose, you will have the opportunity to take your math skills to a higher level. While tutoring alone may not be able to help you increase your overall grade point average, you will have the opportunity to raise your overall GPA and be considered more valuable than a student with no skills at all.Tutors in the Tutor Crossing network are available twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. They can help with your math skills and help you get back on track with your studies, by providing a challenge that increases your ability to learn and comprehend new concepts and skills.A traditional tutor can only provide remedial and support services. These services are typically provided by the student but will not help you improve your academic capabilities and may even hurt your grade point average if you cannot meet the tutor's expectations.

What are the Best Language Apps to Learn English

What are the Best Language Apps to Learn English BaThe Best Language Learning Apps for ESOL Students ChaptersBabbelDuolingoFluentUMosalinguaConclusionWe live in a world where English is the most dominant language everywhere and anywhere, whether you're in Guadalupe or Hong Kong and this won't be changing anytime soon! So, to get a head start at life, learn English from tools on your mobile phone or tablet!  Learning English has never been easier! Download these app's to improve your level in English (Photo Via Visual Hunt)Learning English has a variety of benefits, it makes you more intelligent by building your multitasking skills and it improves long-term and short-term memory. English is the most widely spoken language so learning it is a must!  Throughout this article, we take a look at the best app's to learn English online in depth, from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace.Babbel: An easy way to learn English from your Smart Phone or iPad (Source: you’re a beginner starting from scratch or you’re confident in English and just want to streng then your knowledge, Babbel is perfect for you as it caters to everyone’s language needs.Babbel offers:Vocabulary lessons on different topics, such as sports or health.Courses with tongue twisters, idioms, colloquialisms and all the different sayings you need to know.A review of each lesson.Each lesson takes around 12 minutes and once you’re finished you get a grade out of 58. The lesson plan is extremely well organised. You are given a detailed explanation on the lesson, for example, “How to order in a restaurant”, and you then answer some questions. It is exceptionally interactive and you can choose from a wide range of topics to learn from.Whether you learn better by writing, listening, reading or speaking, Babbel is right for you! It aims to tailor to everyone’s needs and addresses real-life topics that are relevant in your day-to-day life. Whether you’re taking a trip to an Anglophone country or just want to improve your English as a hobby, Babbel is perfect.  Check out Babbel to enhance your level of the English language (Source:, like everything, Babbel has its pros and its cons.The website and the phone application are extremely attractive, the design is easy to navigate around for all ages. The lessons are extremely detailed and interactive, which makes learning English fun and not a chore.  On the other hand, there is one slight downside. You must subscribe to a paying membership after a certain time if you wish to continue with Babbel, which costs around $13 per month.However, for all the benefits you will receive, $13 per month can be worth it, right?  Find English tutors and ESOL classes here!DuolingoDuolingo is an online language-learning platform, launched in 2011 and already has 68 online esol courses for 23 languages, including the most widely spoken language worldwide: English!  Duolingo: a great online language-learning platform for advanced English learners (Source: Babbel and Rosetta Stone, Duolingo is also available to download on iOS and Android.Duolingo takes a completely different approach to Babbel and Rosetta Stone.Essentially, it enables you to learn English vocabulary and phrases by translating short texts,  from English to your mother tongue and vice versa. Learn which translation tools are best for learning English here.It also has dictation exercises, so you type the English text as you hear it, which will definitely improve your English listening and understanding of the language. If Listening is the way you learn best, Check out these podcasts for learning English.The exercises are short, so you can play just before going to bed, or whilst you're waiting for the bus. There is absolutely no pressure and no strings attached! You don't need to dedicate too much time to Duolingo, but you can still significantly improve your level of the English language.Duolingo has adopted a timed practice option, you are given 20 questions with 30 seconds to answer. This feature is perfect if you're interested in doing a crash course in English, as it can train your brain to think quickly in English.If you are looking to learn English for free, then download Duolingo! (Source: you just finished your year abroad in an Anglophone speaking country and just need to keep practicing? Then look no further and download Duolingo!  Unlike Babbel and Rosetta Stone, Duolingo is completely free! There are a few extras you can opt to pay for, like the timed practice option, but this is not obligatory and you can still learn English on Duolingo without paying a penny.Learn any English word in an interactive and fun way!  (Source: FluentU)You can learn every single word in every video!  FluentU keeps up to date with all the vocabulary that you learn and suggests different videos you can watch that include words you have already learned. This emphasises all your knowledge of English vocabulary and makes your learning experience personal to you.However, FluentU does come at a small price of $8 a month. But, it is still cheaper than most of the traditional app's out there!  MosalinguaMosalingua is available on Android and iOS. This app has adopted a very different approach to the other language-learning app's out there. It helps you remember sentences and vocabulary by using flash cards with  a lot of repetition.So, once you have learned new vocabulary, you can memorise them over and over again until they're fully drilled into your brain!How does it work?When you click on the app, you complete an English-language basic test to gauge your level. This gives you a clear understanding on your level and the app can direct you to learn the right vocab and phrases. The app then comes up with an English-learning plan personalised to you!  Download Mosalingua to learn English in a fun and interactive way  (Source: uses full and clear sentences, rather than short and ambiguous phrases. The app allow s you to record yourself on the flash card and you can directly review your pronunciation with the English native speaker's pronunciation.Mosalingua's full version costs a tiny $5! Cheaper than a McDonald's happy meal!  So, there is absolutely no excuse to learn English.ConclusionSo, we have seen that there are a variety of ways to learn English through your phone or tablet, and it doesn't always mean you have to read many boring old English books or complete an endless amount of grammar exercises, nor does it include memorising vocab (we can all agree that learning boring old vocabulary can be painful)!Whether you learn English better through learning vocabulary, playing fun games or watching videos, you will find an app or maybe two that are right for you! (Photo via Visual Hunt)So, we highly recommend you download these English-language learning app's and see which one is for you. Not every app is suitable for everyone and not everyone wants to pay,  everyone is different and we all learn in different ways!Now you've covered the best apps, learn which websites are great for learning English.

Finding the Right IT Tutor for Your Computer Courses

Finding the Right IT Tutor for Your Computer Courses How to Find a Computer Science Tutor for IT Courses ChaptersFind a Private IT Tutor OnlineIT Tutorials Online: Find Your Tutor on YouTubeIT Courses: Find IT Tutors on Superprof with a Few Clicks!Why Take IT Courses on Your Own via a MOOC?Are you resistant to change and in need of a serious update to your IT knowledge?Do you need to learn how to browse the internet or simply use your computer?Looking for training in cryptography?Whether you learn IT through webcam tutorials or with a private tutor, you’ll learn a lot.Are you already an IT technician and want to learn a new skill, some programming languages, study algorithms, or learn more about IT networks?Taking private tutorials with an experienced programmer on Superprof can help you achieve all this.Why not try out some MOOCs? What’s that?You’ll know the answers to all these questions by the end of this article! CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutor s OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic rea ding Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsFind a Private IT Tutor OnlineThanks to the internet and modern digital technologies, there are plenty of ways to learn basic computer skills on the web.  In fact, there are literally thousands of computer classes online and some quality instruction.However, as the adage goes, in a lot of cases, “you get what you pay for”. When you pay for a private tutor, you can expect a level of professionalism as well as someone who has the necessary knowledge and skills to teach you.Superprof’s got some tips and advice for anyone who wants to take IT courses on office suites (like Microsoft Office and Apache's Open Office), installing IT hardware, developing apps, learning about computer hardware, or learning more about coding.You can search for tutors anywhere in the country and then get in touch with them and organise personalised classes. Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced user, you'll find tutors specialising in almost anything. You can learn computer and IT skills and more about topics such as:IT TroubleshootingComputer literacy for seniors, using the mouse and keyboard, turning the computer off and on.Internet basics for beginners, how to navigate a web site, opening and closing tabs, etc.Maintenance tasks.Workforce trainingOffice suites, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, giving a presentation in PowerPoint, how to create a spreadsheet in Excel.Check for the best programming courses to upgrade your coding skill.There are so many people online offering tech support that it can be difficult to choose someone to fix your computer. (Source: be careful when contacting tutors directly without a third party. You should agree upfront about how you’re going to pay them  and make sure that you can find trustw orthy reviews of them.The best tutors will have plenty of stellar reviews and former students who’ll vouch for them. The tutor’s price should reflect their qualifications, experience, and teaching style. You can expect to pay more if the tutor comes to you and they might suggest a central meeting point if you’re both quite a distance from one another.If you're new to computers, you should make sure you have the right equipment for your IT tutorials.IT Tutorials Online: Find Your Tutor on YouTubeWhile there are plenty of IT tutorials available, you’ll have to separate the wheat from the chaff in order to get the most out of these platforms.You can use the number of views to indicate how popular the tutorials are. A video with thousands of views will probably be more useful than a video with a handful (especially if both have been on the site for a number of years). You can also quickly check the “likes” of the video and the comments to see if others found the video useful .On YouTube, you can find tonnes of videos on computer basics like:The basics like using a mouse and keyboard, typing, using your operating system, and turning your computer off and on.Using the Microsoft Office suite, word processing in Microsoft Word, creating a spreadsheet in Excel, using PowerPoint to give presentations, etc.Fundamental maintenance tasks like emptying the recylcle bin, organising your desktop,Digital literacy for senior citizens, computer training for the elderly, etc.Basic skills like browsing the internet, searching on Google, opening and closing tabs.Making and editing videos using Adobe Premier.There are videos that have been watched literally thousands of times.There are videos on learning how to use HTML and CSS for making and editing websites. While the quality of these videos can vary wildly, there are a lot of diamonds in the rough. There are specialists in HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MySQL, SEO, WordPress, and Prestashop so you’re bound to find what you need.Learning to code can be useful for making programmes, apps, and websites. (Source: you’re making your own website or are looking to make your own online business, there’s definitely a video tutorial that will help you.Before you head to YouTube, make sure you have the right equipment to get the most out of your classes:A computer with enough memory to play the videos without any problems.A high-speed internet connection (such as a fibre optic connection, where available)A quality headset or headphones so that you can listen to the videos in public spaces or coworking offices, etc.Think about getting yourself a notepad or book if you’re not used to working with word processors or taking notes digitally.IT Courses: Find IT Tutors on Superprof with a Few Clicks!With computing tutors up and down the country (not to mention all the tutors around the world offering tutorials via webcam), no matter what you want to learn to do, you'll be able to find an instructor to help you. There’s a huge variety of specialists offering courses in a range of different domains:How a computer worksArchitectureRepairing computersWeb developmentCryptographyLearning how to use certain programmes (Excel, Word, Illustrator, InDesign, MySQL, etc.)Java ProgrammingRemember to check that your tutor is also a quality teacher by checking the comments and reviews left by their current and former students and see what kind of resources they use and the teaching methods they employ.Don’t forget that there are plenty of tutors providing tutorials over webcam if you have a hectic schedule and struggle to find an hour for your lessons.The price of private tutorials can vary wildly. While some of the cheapest tutorials only cost around £10 per hour, they can go up to £50 per hour for tutorials covering programming in Python, for example.There are a lot of tutors in London. However, they tend to cost more than tutors elsewhere in the computer. (Source: neg tutorials (in London, at least) cost £24 per hour on average but are cheaper in other parts of the country, ( £18 per hour in Edinburgh and Cardiff and £19 per hour in Manchester, for example). There are also tutors offering programming courses in languages such as C++, Python, Java, Scilab, Fortran, Mathlab, as well as algorithms used to develop apps.Why Take IT Courses on Your Own via a MOOC?MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) are distance learning courses that can have plenty of students enrolled on them via an online digital platform with computer courses often provided by a university professor.The famous American university MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston provides free classes on their YouTube channel with plenty of videos filmed in their lecture halls covering a series of different scientific subjects.MIT OpenCourseWare (1.2 million subscribers) has also put plenty of video courses online covering maths, physics, and IT.Their 53-minute lecture “Introduction to Computer Science and Programming” has been watched over 3 million times on YouTube.Watching these videos by MIT and learning more about physics, maths, and IT from some of the world’s best professors is pretty great, isn’t it?Keep in mind that MIT isn’t the only university offering these types of courses, either.There are plenty of free courses on these MOOCs from tonnes of Ivy League universities as well as other universities around the world. There are literally hundreds of hours of video tutorials available as well as the platforms themselves which you can use to talk to professors and other students. Of course, these courses are 100% online, meaning that as long as you have an internet connection, you can learn.The geek shall inherit the earth. (Source: Clem Onojeghuo)When it comes to MOOCs, there are a few that stand out. Udacity, which was founded in 2012, now has over 1 million users and a number of free courses.You can learn about web devel opment, data analysis, working with iOS or Android app development, machine learning, and plenty of other fields in computer science. With how popular big data is at the minute, it might be worthwhile having a look at their courses on data analysis. That said, there are so many courses, you could even consider supplementing private tutorials with some of these courses.Coursera is another important MOOC and was founded by a couple of computer science lecturers at Stanford University in 2012. It currently has over 24 million users and around 2,000 courses.As you can imagine, thanks to its background in computer science, there’s no lack of courses for budding IT professionals. Some of their most popular courses include technical support, data science in python, machine learning, algorithms, programming languages, and data science.The last platform we’d like to look at isn’t actually a MOOC but is rather useful for anyone wanting to code. Codeacademy is an educational platform tha t was set up in 2011 and now has 25 million users learning programming and coding.The platform is a series of lessons, tutorials, and interactive elements to allow you to learn coding and then try out what you’ve learnt.If you want to get started and learn more about computers, you should consider getting private tutorials, which are arguably the most cost-effective way to learn since you’ll have a dedicated educator working for you.For in-home IT tutorials, there are plenty resources on the internet that can help you find an IT expert and experienced educator. For a personalised approach, then you should consider heading over to Superprof and checking out the tutors, their reviews, and finding the best tutor for you.As an added bonus, there are a number of tutors who offer free computer tutoring for the first hour so you can work out your goals, get to know your potential tutor, and see what your level is.

What I Wish I Knew When Graduating High School

What I Wish I Knew When Graduating High School The following is a guest post written by Tiffany Sorensen, a tutor and contributing writer with Varsity Tutors. Congratulations on graduating high school! Sure, you may feel tired of being lectured by your elders on what to do nextbut for me, there are a few little pieces of advice I wish someone had given me during my last months of high school. You may be surprised by what they are... 1. I should maintain a professional network Depending on the experience you had, you may look at high school as a chapter of your life you would like to close. But the truth is that you will probably be thankful if you maintain relationships with certain teachers, advisors, and coaches from high school. Networking is an excellent way to land jobs and internships both during college and after. For instance, I was glad that I stayed in touched with my Spanish teachers from high school because they informed me of district openings for substitute teachers. One teacher even wrote a recommendation on my behalf, which I am fairly certain helped me to secure the job. Having to transfer colleges is not a situation most students want to imagine. However, this is a reality for nearly one-third of college students; it was a reality for me, too. Transfer applications often require recommendations from high school teachers. For this reason also, it is wise to keep in communication with instructors from your high school. You may be able to ask college professors from your first school for recommendations, but you should only do that if you feel they know you well enough to fairly discuss your academic abilities. 2. I should not agonize over low grades or SAT scores At this point, there is no sense in torturing yourself over grades or test scores you wish would have been higher. Most likely, you have already received admissions decisions and have accepted or declined those offers. Look at college as a fresh start: a blank canvas you can make into anything you like. You will have a chance to rebuild your GPA from scratch, and if you apply to graduate school later on, those schools will be interested in a different standardized test score; the SAT will not be as relevant as it once was for you. Depending on the program you apply for, you will likely have to take the GRE, GMAT, MCAT, LSAT, or another exambut you have plenty of time before you need to think about that! 3. I should make the most of the summer Many of my classmates spent the summer after graduating high school preparing for their first semester of college. This included reading books about college life, shopping for cool gadgets for their dorm rooms, etc. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to arrive ready for college, you will never be totally prepared for this big step in your life until you actually live it. Reading college students blogs is vastly different from experiencing college first-hand. Your first week at college may feel like a culture shock, but you are sure to get into the groove before you know it. Just believe in yourself. [RELATED: What I Wish I Knew Before My First College Class] I was pleased that I decided to enjoy to the utmost my last summer before college. For me, this meant spending time with my classmates at graduation and farewell get-togethers, as well as doing some traveling. I went to Europe with my siblings for the first time and was able to practice my Spanish naturally with native speakers. I took classes and worked internships during my summers in college, so I would not have had the time to see my high school friends at that point. It is normal to grow apart, move away, and go down different paths, so this might be your last chance to see high school friends regularly. Take advantage of it. These three simple suggestions can help you have an enjoyable and gratifying break before it is time to start college. Maybe you were expecting the advice to solely be college study tips, but keeping in touch, having a healthy outlook, and using your time wisely is just as important as academics. Check out Tiffanys tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.